Price : Start from $144 - $209 which includes Jacket, pant, shirt, shoes, tax, alteration and your choice of vest, and necktie or bowtie.
Pickup: 3 days before the event date, Wednesday of the event week.
Return: The following Monday.
Late fee: $5 per day.
Special: Your 5 paid members can qualify you for a free suit or tuxedo rental
UltraSlim Clayton Grey Suit 262
UltraSlim Plaid Suit 231
UltraSlim Indigo Blue 221
UltraSlim Cobalt Blue 211
UltraSlim Burgundy Empire 201
Granite Paisley Aries 192
Cobalt Blue Paisley Aries 132
Apple Red Paisley Aries 122
UltraSlim Med Grey Suit 350
UltraSlim Blue Suit 302
UltraSlim Legacy Black 921
UltraSlim Navy Suit 371
Slim Navy Suit 372
UltraSlim Grey Suit 391
Slim Grey Suit 392
UltraSlim Black Suit 471
Slim Black Suit 472
UltraSlim Berkley 991
Slim Berkley 990
UltraSlim Sand Suit 202
Slim Heather Grey 362
Slim Grey TonyBowls 301
Slim Black Troy 802
Slim Tan Havana 252
Ultra Slim Waverly 751
Modern White Troy 712
Slim Ivory Shaw 601
Modern Ivory Troy 602
Slim Cyprus 822
Modern Emerson 852